1,000 SQUARE FEET - One pound of Slug Magic will treat 1,000 square feet of lawns and gardens. It also remains effective after rain or sprinkling because of the all-weather formula.
CAN BE USED AROUND PETS – This product can be used around areas pets and wildlife go.
GRANULAR APPLICATION - This slug repellent is designed to bait slugs and snails and draw them out of their hiding places. Once it has become a part of the soil, Slug Magic works quickly and remains effective.
SNAIL AND SLUG CONTROL - Slug Magic's formula works in all weather conditions to eliminate snails and slugs from your garden. This product baits and kills snails and slugs effectively, ensuring their removal.
FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PROTECTION - Unlike some other treatments, these snail and slug pellets can be used in fruit and vegetable gardens up to the day of harvest.